Obtaining professional assistance will be the most important and effective decision you make after sustaining property damage. Altieri Insurance Consultants provides you the professional adjusting personnel to match experience and expertise with the insurance company. We are trained and educated adjusters whose specialty is to perform for you, the owner.

Professional representation has intrinsic value in the legal, accounting, and medical fields. This is true for adjusting as well. The fact is professionals working for you, will yield better results.

From a financial perspective: the property destroyed is your asset—your investment. Altieri Insurance Consultant’s professional adjusters possess the expertise necessary to protect that investment; they bring expertise and credibility to your side of the claim. It is the attention to detail in our work that results in your success.

From a personal perspective: this is your home or business. The personal attention you will receive from Altieri Insurance Consultant’s adjusters goes far beyond what an insurer’s adjuster can provide to you during your time of extreme need. Our process of representation is intimate: it is close, it is available, it is comprised of daily interaction and communication. Your full understanding of the claim results in your success.

From an emotional perspective: being in business since the 1980’s, and representing policyholders effectively, proves that our process works for families and business owners. We have helped thousands of satisfied clients recover from various disasters. We have represented the owners of single family homes up to the owners of skyscrapers, and just about everything in between. There is a peace of mind enjoyed by our clients when we are involved with their claim.