Home » shopping centers
Shopping centers and malls can be comprised of dozens of tenants all with separate interests and insurance policies separate from that of the owner/landlord. These large buildings often sustain damage from a variety of events including fire, water from burst pipes, hailstorms, tornados, and hurricanes. Beyond the building they also involve damage to equipment such as elevators, escalators, HVAC, lighting, and surveillance.
These types of claims can be complicated due to the diverse interests involving individual lease agreements. Complications also arise when insurers erroneously impose lease sections which negate certain elements of coverage for a landlord or misapply improvements and betterments made to interior units. Adjusters at Altieri Insurance Consultants are trained to employ proper lease sections, leading to expanded landlord coverage, assuring our clients that their policy and leases work to their favor in the claim.
Hired to handle the largest shopping center mall in the Florida Keys after Hurricane Irma, Altieri adjusters turned around a previous claim denial by the landlord’s insurer to collect nearly $6,000,000.00. The claim denial took a few years for the insurer to decide, after Altieri was hired, our client was paid his settlement in a matter of a few months.
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400 N. Tampa Street, Ste. 1850 Tampa, FL 33602
Nashville, TN Office
700 Third Ave S. Nashville, TN, 37210
Fort Lauderdale, FL Office
6750 N Andrews Ave, Suite 200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Miramar Beach, FL Office
12870 US HWY 98 West, Miramar Beach, FL 32550
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