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You have an insurance policy, make sure you get everything owed to you whenever you finally make a claim. Altieri Insurance Consultants’ team of public adjusters utilizes the language in your policy to apply the necessary coverages and recover the money owed to you.
You pay hefty premiums every year, make sure you get proper guidance and an accurate and proper settlement to make educated decisions regarding the repairs to your property.
Have you ever read your homeowners insurance policy?
Would you expect to understand what is in this insurance policy?
Without repeated exposure to the intent of the language, the homeowners at an immense disadvantage, when trying to adjust their claim without their own personal expert.
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400 N. Tampa Street, Ste. 1850 Tampa, FL 33602
Nashville, TN Office
700 Third Ave S. Nashville, TN, 37210
Fort Lauderdale, FL Office
6750 N Andrews Ave, Suite 200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Miramar Beach, FL Office
12870 US HWY 98 West, Miramar Beach, FL 32550
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