Water Damage In Miami? 4 Tips From A Public Adjuster

Water Damage In Miami? 4 Tips From A Public Adjuster post

Being Florida’s reliable team of insurance consultants for several decades, we’ve seen enough water damage to fill an ocean. That’s why you can trust us with these helpful tips for dealing with water damage in Miami, courtesy of your local public adjusters at Altieri Insurance Consultants:

How Does Water Damage Happen In Miami?

There are plenty of ways Miami property owners encounter water damage. It’s not uncommon for storms or hurricanes to make their rounds, but broken piping systems are even more abundant. If it’s wet, you can bet we know what to do! Call your local public adjuster for any type of water damage claim including those involving rainfall, storms, sewers, and drainage.

1. Protect Yourself Before Getting Started On Recovery

Water is essential, but it can also be fatal. Special precautions are necessary before all else, ensuring your safety and the safety of those around you. This includes turning off the gas and electricity only if it is safe to do so yourself. If you feel as though your property is too unsafe to make it to your circuit breaker or gas line, get to a safe space and call a professional. When navigating floods, wear protective gear to avoid infections.

2. Rule Out Any Future Threats

Once all immediate dangers are cleared, you should address any lurking threats that have the potential to cause waterborne problems later. Stagnant water that’s been collected from upright vessels is a big one because it can fester and become a breeding ground for mold, bugs, and bacteria. The cost of repairs for this damage might not be covered if it was a result of neglect in performing the appropriate measures soon after the initial accident. Learn more about how to handle water damage like floods, broken pipes, and more.

3. Cover Your Bases Before the Clean-Up

Before you get to work on cleaning up your property after water damage, you need to take as many photos as possible of every area, all damage, from every angle. Preserve your evidence. Show your insurer what the damage looked like right after the accident for an accurate and precise report, especially if clean up or temporary repairs are an immediate requirement. To ensure evidence is preserved, consider hiring a public adjuster. They know exactly what to look for and what kind of photos to take. Public adjusters also help you conform to your policy obligations to avoid committing unknown violations that can hurt your claim.

4. Understand Proper Hiring Practices for Adjusters and Contractors

Hiring in the wrong order can put you into a bind that will be difficult to escape. You must have the money and repair details first, before you can start work. The claim must be paid first to understand the amount of money you have to work with for repairs and to know the scope of the work to be performed. This is why you hire the adjuster first. Many people want to fix things immediately to get back into their home or business, but getting the cart before the horse can cause you to reach into your own pocket to fund at least a part of the repairs.

Altieri Insurance Consultants Handles Water Damage Claims In Miami

You can rest assured that we know what we’re doing with decades of success stories about helping property owners throughout Florida get their lives back with correct insurance settlements. Reach out to your local Altieri Insurance Consultants team in Miami today to get started on a consultation for your water damage claim!

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