7 Mistakes To Avoid After Experiencing Fire Damage To Your Property

Every type of property damage claim has its own set of specific protocols, and making even the smallest deviation can greatly affect your settlement. Fire damage is a special case with crucial considerations to make before putting in an effort toward relief. Make sure you’re avoiding the following mistakes by reading this guide and contacting […]
Understanding Reconstruction Cost – 3 Factors That Affect Property Insurance Claims

The cost of reconstruction can greatly impact your resulting settlement when you file a property damage insurance claim. Insurers will take the total cost and use it to calculate how much you qualify for, and that’s what ultimately determines the amount that they will offer you. Find out what factors into your property’s reconstruction cost […]
How Are Fire Damage Claims Calculated? Our Guide

A fire isn’t just a fire. There are so many factors to consider when making a claim that it can leave even the most confident individuals trying to figure out where to start. Your trusted team of public adjusters at Altieri Insurance Consultants Ft. Lauderdale is here to offer valuable expertise in how fire damage […]
How Can A Public Adjuster Help Get A Proper Claim Settlement In Tampa?

When you file a claim without professional representation, getting your insurance company to pay can make you feel like you have to twist someone’s arm. And when you finally get paid, it doesn’t always feel like it’s a fair amount because you really have nothing to compare the quality of payment to. In our vast […]
How Do I Pick The Right Type of Public Adjuster For My Claim?

A public adjuster is there to help you with an insurance claim, there’s no doubt about that. Where the uncertainty may creep into a property owner, is the unfamiliarity with our profession and the tremendous effectiveness we display hundreds of times each year for those struck by disaster. Knowing how to pick the right public […]
Hurricane Flooding In Tampa – 5 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Damage Claim

When dealing with flood damage in Florida, you’re going to need all of the help you can get. You may have property flood insurance to fall back on, but you’re not always guaranteed the funding you need, and you certainly cannot expect reimbursement to put you back into the condition you were in prior to […]
How Can A Public Adjuster Work With Your Community Association?

Community associations are always busy with countless tasks to keep everything in check. However, it’s not uncommon for community managers to hire public adjusters to help lighten the load. Learn more about how public adjusters work with community associations and how Altieri Insurance Consultants of Jacksonville is the partner property owners rely on! Why Community […]
Hurricane Milton Aftermath & The Importance Of Being Prepared

Hurricane Milton affected countless residents, leaving homeowners, businessowners and property managers in a desperate fight for normalcy. Were you part of the disaster? If so, how are you faring? If you feel like you could be doing better, let’s go on a retrospective journey together. We’re going to evaluate the aftermath of Hurricane Milton and […]
Hurricane Helene Damage In Sarasota? Rely On A Pro To Assist You With Your Claims

Those in Sarasota know firsthand the damage that was left in the wake of Hurricane Helene. Even if you planned ahead and opted for the right property insurance coverage, you could be facing various obstacles stopping you from receiving the compensation that you need to fully recover. Rely on the pros at Altieri Insurance Consultants […]
Mold In Your Home? 6 Ways Different Types Of Water Damage Are Covered Under Insurance

Water damage can mean many things, and not all of them are recognized for coverage by insurance companies. But no matter what, signs of mold are always a concern for every homeowner. If you’re seeing mold in your home, you’ll want to know about the different types of water damage that may have caused it […]